About Us

International Trauma and Critical Care Ltd


"To develop and implement World Class medical excellence in developing countries"


ITCC will develop multiple medical systems that result in world class healthcare and make significant contributions to the medical industry in Nigeria and those countries where ITCC is active”


    We deliver accessible, affordable and sustainable worldclass Healthcare services for everyone that is equal to World Class standards. To deliver affordable and sustainable Healthcare for all that is comparable to World Class standards
  • Applying sound financial management and prudence to provide sustainable benefits for patients, investors and employees
  • Demonstrating social equality by providing services for everyone, not just certain economic classes of persons through the use of innovative concepts & special purpose vehicles such as Public Private Partnerships.
  • Demonstrating high clinical and Administrative competence and professionalism
  • Delivering high quality services that are safe and "equal to World Class standards"


We care for all our patients and interact with our colleagues with patience and kindness.
  • Demonstrating respect for patients and our colleagues by treating them as we ourselves would wish to be treated
  • Empathising with patients and their family and friends in recognition that ill health can be physically and emotionally difficult for all concerned
  • Being sensitive in our communications with patients, their families and friends, and, our colleagues.

Team Work:

We use a collaborative approach to our work and partner with the patient and their families to bring about a successful and timely recovery from illness.
  • Working in Multi-Disciplinary teams for the benefit of patients and other stakeholders
  • Informing and explaining to patients and their family our diagnosis, treatment and management of their case
  • Sharing knowledge, experience and resources with others to achieve common objectives


Local and International relationships to enhance local human capital development and technology transfer.

Servant Leadership:

We seek to serve others first through modelling the ITCC values and providing guidance, support and encouragement to those we have influence with and responsibility for; our behaviours and interaction

  • Placing the needs of those you lead ahead of your own
  • Guiding others by the examples we set, i.e. it's not what we 'say' but what we 'do' that should be followed
  • Coaching and mentoring others to help them develop to their full potential


We are transparent and honest in our interactions with others, irrespective of the consequences, and, seek to do the 'right thing' not what is expedient.

  • Consistently demonstrates honesty and truthfulness in their interactions with others building their trust
  • Speaks the 'truth' to others respectfully to discipline, encourage and or guide them
  • Demonstrates humility through the ability to admit when they have made a mistake and accept they do not always have to be 'right'